Tag Archives: trump doubts obama birthplace


CNN has just reported Donald Trump claims the birth certificate for President Obama is missing.  It is amazing to hear that the President of the United States is just now being interrogated about his birth certificate.  As strict as our laws are in recent years, it would be surprising that this would not have been confirmed prior to Obama taking office.

During a recent interview with Anderson Cooper earlier this week, Trump said a mouthful.  The most powerful part of the interview is when he said, “Well I’ve been told very recently that the birth certificate is missing,”  “I’ve been told that it’s not there or it doesn’t exist.  And if that’s the case it’s a big problem.” Trump would not disclose his source, which is not surprising, but did say that he feels bad about the situation. 

Donald Trump clearly wants to run for the next Presidential race and is coming out the gate playing hardball. It will be interesting to see if this helps him get support from the U.S. voter’s, or hurts his cause. 

What do you think?  Is Donald Trump setting himself up for failure?  Or is this a smart move?

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Posted by on April 25, 2011 in HEADLINE NEWS


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